These files are large, so be patient during the download. OpenTX users, please read the readme.txt included in the ZIP
The model is built on a scale of 1:10, the hull has a wooden structure with carbon stringers, Shaped elements are made of hard ABS plastic. The wing and tail are structural wooden and covered with foil with canvas structure. The coloration is identical to the original, which participated in the raids on the dam. The model is distinguished by many mock-up elements, such as shooting and navigation towers, a large cabin, a bomb chamber. To facilitate transport, the fuselage is divided into two parts and the wing into three. Installation takes only a few minutes. With a span of over 3m, the model in the air is very impressive. The model has a relatively low surface load and very good volatile properties. It is very stable and with active flaps the landing speed is very low. Both internal combustion engines and electric drive can be used for the drive. The model can be equipped with a retractable landing gear, a bomb hatch kit and a bomb set are available.
FrSky X10
FrSky X12s
Jumper T16
Jumper T18
Radiomaster TX16S
FlySky NV14
FlySky EL18
PNG (192x114)
FrSky X9D
FrSky X9E
BMP (64x32)
FrSky X20
FrSky X20 Pro
FrSky XE
Kavan V20
PNG (300x280)
BMP Recommended (300x280)
FrSky X18
FrSky Twin
PNG (180x166)
BMP Recommended (180x166)
PNG (180x160)
BMP Recommended (180x160)
JPG (155x100)
Futaba 18MZ
JPG (158x80)
Graupner MZ16
Graupner MZ32
BMP (158x106)
Jeti DS-24
PNG (320x240)
Spektrum ix12
Spektrum ix20
JPG (266x164)
Some content in menu 2.
Wingspan: 3050mm Length: 2032mm Weight: 13000g Recommended RC radio: 7-9 channels Recommended servos: 9x 6kg, 2x 3kg mini, 5x standard Recommended engine: .40 2T, .52 - .56 4T (4 pcs) Motors: 4x Power 46, LiPo 4S 4000mAh Rcommended ESC: 60A
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